In vitro stimulation of AA-1-derived PBMC efficiently induced GAA-specific CTLs. PBMCs derived from HLA-A2+ glioma patients, AA-1, AO-1, and GBM-1, were stimulated with autologous DCs loaded with IL-13Rα 2345–353:1A9V (A, C and E) or EphA2883–891(B, D and F). On day 20 after the primary stimulation, responder cells of AA-1 (A, B), AO-1 (C, D), and GBM-1 (E, F) were tested for their lytic ability against human glioma cells SNB19 (Solid square, HLA-A2+, EphA2+, IL-13Rα 2+), or T2 cells loaded with IL-13Rα 21A9V (Solid circle in A, C and E), EphA2883–891 (Solid circle in B, D and F) or T2 cells loaded with Influenza M158–66 (hollow circle) using 4-hour 51Cr-release assays. Values indicate averages of duplicated samples, and represent data from one of two experiments with similar results. Bars indicate standard errors.