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. 2008 Feb 27;3(2):e1679. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0001679

Table 3. Local maxima of brain activations within sensorimotor, cingulate, and cerebellar regions during improvisation.

Region BA Left Hemisphere Right Hemisphere
t-score x y z t-score x y z
Frontal operculum-p. triangularis 45 6.51 −51 33 3 - - - -
Frontal operculum-p. opercularis 44 11.42 −52 8 17 - - - -
Dorsal frontal operculum 44/6 16.54 −54 0 30 7.14 51 6 27
Dorsal Lateral PMC 4/6 11.34 −30 −15 64 9.18 30 −6 63
SMA proper 6 16.93 −3 0 63 10.39 3 −4 68
Dorsal MI 4 14.58 −27 −15 54 10.04 27 −9 51
STG 22 - - - - 6.14 63 −33 9
Ant MTG-STS 21 11.19 −63 −27 −9 10.72 57 −21 −9
Ant MTG-ITG 20/21 10.39 −51 −15 −24 6.41 45 −15 −18
Fusiform-ITG 37 15.74 −48 −66 −21 - - - -
SMG 40 11.34 −53 −41 41 12.44 48 −41 41
IPS 40/7 16.05 −42 −45 45 17.46 45 −42 51
SPL 7 20.62 −18 −75 51 14.09 21 −77 55
Inf OG 18 7.01 −36 −90 −5
Mid OG 18/19 7.87 −27 −94 14 11.18 36 −75 18
Sup OG 19 10 −21 −94 29 7.638 35 −83 25
ACC D 32/24 10.71 −5 8 49 - - - -
Dentate - - - - - 7.96 21 −63 −30
Post Hemisphere - - - - - 7.94 3 −78 −39
Vermis - - - - - 6.22 6 −67 −17

All coordinates are described according to the Montreal Neurological Institute system, and were obtained through a conjunction analysis of data from ScaleImprov and JazzImprov. Abbreviations: p. triangularis, pars triangularis; p. opercularis, pars opercularis; PMC, premotor cortex; SMA, supplementary motor area; STG, superior temporal gyrus; MTG, middle temporal gyrus; STS, superior temporal sulcus; ITG, inferior temporal gyrus; SMG, supramarginal gyrus; IPS, intraparietal sulcus; SPL, superior parietal lobule; OG, occipital gyrus; ACC, anterior cingulate commissure