Figure 8. Multiple Correspondence Analysis of type 2 and type 3 histopathological profiles.
The types 2 and 3 histopathological profiles represented in the dendrogram of Figure 7, excepted the completely destroyed profiles, were included in the analysis. Here is shown a graphical display of the results of the Multiple Correspondence Analysis, on the first two dimensions. Criteria, numbered as in Table 1, are represented by arrows. Lymph nodes are represented by dots and denoted by alpha-numerical labels which are listed in the accompanying table, at the top right of the figure. In this table are indicated, for each DLN, first, the time interval (in days) between mouse infection and lymph node collection, then, the number of injected cfu. It can be seen that Y. pseudotuberculosis- and Y. pestis-infected lymph nodes are grouped on the left and right sides of the figure, respectively. Therefore, criteria on the left side of the figure are associated with Y. pseudotuberculosis profiles and criteria on the right side of the figure are associated with Y. pestis profiles. Criteria that are closest to the first (horizontal) axis are the most discriminating between the two groups.