Abundance and localization of YFP-RCN1 protein in seedling roots. Confocal microscopy reveals that the YFP-RCN1 fusion protein is abundant in all cell layers of the root tip (A–C) and shows cytoplasmic and perinuclear (arrowheads) localization (D–F) in cells of the apical meristem. In mature cortical cells (G–I), nuclear localization (arrowheads) is evident. Membrane association (arrows) is observed in both mature (G–I) and apical (J–L) cortical cells. The YFP-PP2AA3 fusion also exhibits ubiquitous accumulation in the root tip (M–O). Propidium iodide fluorescence (A, G, J, and M) and YFP fluorescence (B, D, H, K, and N) are overlaid (C, E, F, I, L, and O) in medial (A–F and M–O) and cortical (G–L) optical sections of 4-dpg roots of lines rcn1 RYR-80 (A–L) and rcn1 AYA-2 (M–O). Beam intensity was increased for imaging YFP fluorescence in line rcn1 AYA-2 (N and O; compare with Supplemental Fig. S4, E and F). Scale bars, 25 μm (A–C and G–O) and 10 μm (D–F).