A, StSUT4-RNAi ‘Désirée’ plants flower on average 6 d earlier than wild-type plants when grown under LD conditions. Flowering was observed with StSUT4-RNAi lines 10 (n = 8), 81 (n = 9), and 38 (n = 9) and potato subsp. tuberosum plants (n = 23) grown in the greenhouse under LD conditions. B, StSUT4-RNAi ‘Désirée’ plants have significantly fewer leaves at flowering if grown under LD conditions in the greenhouse (n = 6 for each plant line). C, The tuber yield of StSUT4-RNAi potato plants is significantly increased under noninductive LD. All experiments are reproduced at least three times. One representative example is given (n = 5–6 for each line and each time point). sd is given.