Figure 1.
Transcript accumulation in wild-type and uvr8 mutant under different UV-B fluence rates. A, Wild-type Ler and uvr8-2 mutant plants grown for 3 weeks in a low fluence rate (20 μmol m−2 s−1) of white light were transferred to various fluence rates of UV-B light for 4 h. Leaf tissue was harvested, RNA isolated, and cDNA synthesized. Transcript levels for the genes indicated were measured by RT-PCR. ACTIN2 transcript levels are shown as a loading control. The data shown are representative of up to four independent experiments. B, Levels of selected transcripts were quantified from RT-PCR products obtained as in A using imaging software. The images show combined data from three independent experiments. Each point shows the transcript level relative to ACTIN2 in the same experiment. In each image, the data from the three experiments are normalized relative to the transcript level in wild type at 3 μmol m−2 s−1 UV-B, set at 1.0. Black circles, Wild type; white squares, uvr8-2.