Figure 6.
Histogram Na( p) of sequence identities and four rounds Whole Genome Duplications (WGD) in Paramecium tetraurelia. The histogram of sequence identities of 103,828 paralogous pairs among 39,642 proteins in the genome of Paramecium tetraurelia (solid diamonds) detected by an all-to-all BLASTp alignment (see methods for details). Other histograms shown in this plot correspond to a progressive removal of new proteins created in the four WGD events [21]: 41,890 pairs among 27,616 proteins excluding those generated in the latest WGD event (solid squares), 25,342 pairs among 23,618 proteins excluding those generated in the last two WGD events (solid circles), 22,287 pairs excluding those generated in the latest three WGD events (open triangles), and 21,417 pairs among 22,635 proteins excluding those generated in all four known WGD events (red stars). For comparison we copy from Fig. 1A the histogram of 31,078 pairs among 25,319 H. sapiens proteins (blue times-es). One can see that by progressive elimination of pairs generated in WGD events the functional form of the Na(p) histogram in Paramecium tetraurelia approaches the universal scaling form: Na(p) ~ p-4 (dashed line).