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. 2007 Nov 21;36(1):300–310. doi: 10.1093/nar/gkm1016

Table 1.

Occurrences of IVSs, HEGs and intergenic sequences in the nrdJEF operon in the B. cereus group

Strains ssp. nrdE IVS 1G1 nrdF IVS References
B. an ssp. Ames 1VS3 + (I-BanI)2 Al 4
Sterne 1VS3 + 1-Banl2 Al 5
B. ce ssp. AH187 1VS4 B 1VS6 6, 7
AH820 lVS3+ (I-BanI)2 Al 8
ATCC 10987 1VS4 B 9
ATCC 11778 A2 6
ATCC 14579 A2 10
cytotoxis 1VS2 A4 11
E33L 1VS4 A2 12
G9241 1VS4 A2 13
B. th ssp. aizawai B IVS6 6
alesti A2 6
Al Hakam IVS5 + HEG2 Al 6,14
canadensis IVS3 A2 6
colmeri B 1VS6 6
dakota A2 6
darmstadiensis A2 6
dendrolimus A2 6
entomocidus A2 6
finitimus 1VS4 Al 6
galechiae A2 6
galleriae B IVS6 6
indiana B IVS6 6
israeliensis3 A2 15
konkukian IVS3 Al 16
kurstaki B IVS6 6
morrisoni B IVS6 6
ostrinae A2 6
pakistani 1VS3 + (1-BanI)2 B 1VS6 +1-Bthll2 6
sotto A2 6
subtoxicus A2 6
thompsoni B 1VS6 6
thuringiensis A2 6
tochigiensis 1VS4 A2 6
tohokuensis B 1VS6 +(1-BthII)2 6
tolworthii B 1VS6 6
toumanoffii A2 6
wuhanensis B 1VS6 6
B. wei ssp. KBAB4 1VS2 A3 17

1Sequence lengths of IG-groups: A1 93 bp, A2: 81 bp, A3: 94 bp, A4: 152 bp, B: 154 bp.

2ORF found in respective intron, I-BanI and I-BthII indicate HEGs that have been tested for and show activity (Nord,D., Torrents,E. and Sjöberg,B.-M. A functional homing endonuclease in the Bacillus anthracis nrdE group I intron. J. Bacteriol. (2007) 189, 5293–5301, and this study), parenthesis indicate over 99% identity with I-BanI and I-BthII, respectively and HEG denotes no identified relative or activity tested.

3Sequence of nrdIEF1 operon, nrdE2 does not cluster close to B. cereus. group nrdE genes (Nord,D., Torrents,E. and Sjöberg,B.-M. A functional homing endonuclease in the Bacillus anthracis nrdE group I intron. J. Bacteriol. (2007) 189, 5293–5301).

4Acc no.: NC_003997 5Acc no.: NC_005945 6This study. 7Acc no.: NZ_AAUF01000007 8Acc no.: NZ_AAUE01000001 9Acc no.: NC_003909 10Acc no.: NC_004722 11Acc no.: NZ_AALL01000009 12Acc no.: NC_006274 13Acc no.: NZ_AAEK01000009 14Acc no.: NC_008600 15Acc no.: NZ_AAJM01000029 16Acc no.: NC_005957 17Acc no.: NZ_AAOY01000003.