Table 1.
Table of Contents for Tool Kit, StrongWomen Community Strength Training Program, 2006
Caution | A note about implementing community exercise programs |
Foreword | The inspiration and motivation to develop the program |
Mission and Objectives | The mission statement and objectives for the program |
Chapter 1 | The benefits of strength training for women — the research behind the program |
Chapter 2 | Starting a program — leaders, sites, space, equipment, promotion, and scheduling |
Chapter 3 | Participant screening — contact information, medical history, screening tools, and consent |
Chapter 4 | StrongWomen Program — two strength training programs, general exercise safety |
Chapter 5 | Keeping track and participant assessments — contact and attendance sheets, exercise logs, evaluations, and assessment tests |
Chapter 6 | Leadership — leader styles, skills, professionalism, courtesy and respect, communication, and selecting peer leaders |
Chapter 7 | General physical activity — different modes, walking programs, community involvement |
Chapter 8 | Nutrition for optimal health |
Chapter 9 | Frequently asked questions |
Chapter 10 | Resources |
Acknowledgments | Gratitude for individuals and organizations that supported program development |
References | Research citations |
Handouts | Research packet, tracking packet, nutrition fact sheets, informational/media packet |