6C10− CD4 lymph node T cells from Mls-1a inoculated Vβ8.1 transgenic mice are found to be functionally anergic. CD4 T cells from tolerant mice were purified into 6C10 positive and negative populations by magnetic sorting and analyzed for 6C10, 3G11, and Vβ8.1 expression by flow cytometry (A), dose-dependent proliferation to anti-CD3 stimulation [uninoculated mice (□) and inoculated mice unsorted (⋄), purified 6C10− (○), and 6C10+ (▵) (B), dose-dependent proliferation to CBA/J stimulators (legend as for B except inoculated unsorted is not shown) (C), and proliferative response to phorbol 12-myristate 13-acetate/ionomycin (D). Representative data from experiments repeated four times are shown.