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. 2005 Jun;14(6):1508–1517. doi: 10.1110/ps.041288005

Table 2.

Refinement statistics

Resolution 56.8 3 2.0 Å
Space group P6522
Unit cell dimensions a = b = 65.8 Å , c = 292.0 Å
Reflections: total (unique) 24,420 (1,305)
Protein atomsa 1917
Solvent atomsb 109
Rwork (%)c 20.6
Rfree (%)c 23.6
Ramachandran analysis (%)
    Most favored 97.2
    Additionally allowed 2.8
    Generously allowed 0
    Disallowed 0
rms deviation
    Bond lengths (Å) 0.022
    Bond angle (deg) 1.633

a These include multiple conformations for Arg-184.

b These include water molecules, 1 Mn atom, and 1 ethylene glycol.

cR-factor=(∑|FoFc|/∑|Fo|) × 100 where Fo is the observed structure-factor amplitude and Fc is the calculated structure-factor amplitude.