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. 2005 Apr;14(4):902–913. doi: 10.1110/ps.041048805

Table 2.

Peptide masses obtained by MALDI-TOF/MS of in-gel tryptic digests of 22-kDa hGH, 45-kDa hGH, or their reduced and alkylated derivatives

Expected mass of hGH tryptic peptide Numeric order of tryptic peptide (T)in hGH sequence Tryptic peptide’s range of residues in hGH Amino acid sequence of hGH tryptic peptide Observed mass of 22-kDa hGH tryptic peptide Observed massa of 22-kDa hGH tryptic peptide Observed mass of MER-45-kDa hGH tryptic peptide Observed massa of MER-45-kDa hGH tryptic peptide
693.39 T13 135–140 TGQIFK 693.48 693.40
764.43 T19 173–178 VETFLR 764.52
773.38 T12 128–134 LEDGSPR 773.46
844.49 T8 71–77 SNLELLR 842.61 844.58 844.50 844.51
930.54 T1 1–8 FPTIPLSR 930.65 930.62 930.54 930.54
979.50 T2 9–16 LFDNAMLR 979.62 979.59 979.50 979.51
995.50 T2b 9–16 LFDNAMLR 995.61 995.59 995.50 995.50
1148.56 T16 159–167 NYGLLYCFR 1148.55 1148.55
1205.58 T16c 159–167 NYGLLYCFR 1205.69 1205.61
1253.62 T18–T19d 169–178 DMDKVETFLR 1253.78 1253.73 1253.60 1253.62
1269.61 T18–T19b,d 169–178 DMDKVETFLR 1269.73 1269.57 1269.64
1361.67 T11 116–127 DLEEGIQTLMGR 1361.87 1361.81 1361.66 1361.70
1377.67 T11b 116–127 DLEEGIQTLMGR 1377.85 1377.80 1377.63 1377.68
1489.69 T15 146–158 FDTNSHNDDALLK 1489.89 1489.83 1489.69 1489.73
2262.13 T10 95–115 SVFANSLVYGASDSNVYDLLK 2262.33 2262.36 2262.96 2262.18
2342.13 T4 20–38 LHQLAFDTYQEFEEAYIPK 2342.37 2341.98 2342.09
2673.26 T6c 42–64 YSFLQNPTSLCFSESIPTPSNR 2673.23
2676.25 T15–T16–T17d 146–168 FDTNSHNDDALLKNYGLLYCFRK 2676.40

a Reduced and alkylated protein.

b Oxidized methionine.

c Alkylated peptide.

d Incomplete cleavage.