Figure 3.
Comparison of the TRX-like domain of hGSTK with other GSTs. (A) Sequence alignment of the TRX-like domains between hGSTK and the representatives of other classes of GSTs. The GSTs used in comparison are human θ GST (PDB entry code 1LJR), human α GST (1K3L), human μ GST (1HNA), human π GST (5GSS), and squid sigma GST (1GSQ). The residue numbers of hGSTK are shown on top. Residues strictly conserved in all classes are shown in red, and the residues identical to and conserved with those of hGSTK in blue and orange, respectively. (B) The Cα atom superposition of the TRX-like domains of hGSTK (Arg6–Ser42 and Pro184–Gly211 in green) and human θ class GST (Leu3–Val33 and Pro55–Gln79 in pink). This diagram was prepared using the program SETOR.