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. 2005 Sep;14(9):2361–2369. doi: 10.1110/ps.051463905

Table 1.

Statistics of diffraction data and structure refinement

Native (form A) Native (form B) Hg (OAc)2 Derivative (form B) K2Pt(CN)4 Derivative (form B)
Diffraction data statistics
    Space group C2 P21212 P21212 P21212
    Unit cell parameters
        a (Å) 98.28 224.86 224.16 224.35
        b (Å) 118.27 88.16 88.03 88.10
        c (Å) 52.59 53.95 53.87 53.88
        β (°) 102.67
    No. of monomers/asymmetric unit 2 4 4 4
    Resolution (Å) 1.86 2.40a 2.30 2.80
    No. of unique reflections 48,426 42,746 46,959 25,931
    Rmerge (%)b 4.7 (38.3)c 19.4 (25.5)a 10.9 (23.8)c 11.9 (22.6)c
    Completeness (%) 99.3 (93.9)c 99.0 (99.9)a 96.9 (83.7)c 95.9 (99.1)c
    〈I/σ(I) 〉 6.9 (1.3)c 2.0 (1.9)a 5.4 (2.1)c 5.6 (2.9)c
    ΔFiso (%)d 14.9 9.1
    ΔFano (%)e 4.3 3.4
Refinement statistics
    No. of amino acid residues 436
    No. of GSF 2
    No. of solvent molecules 179
    R factor (%)f 17.9
    Free R factor (%) 20.3
    Rms deviation
        Bond length (Å) 0.005
        Bond angles (°) 1.1
    Mean temperature factors (Å2)
        Main-chain atoms 35
        Side-chain atoms 39
        GSF 25
        Solvent 44
    Luzzati atomic positional error (Å) 0.2

a For native crystal form B, X-ray data were collected to 2.4 Å resolution, but the data in the resolution range higher than 3.0 Å were not used. The numbers in parentheses correspond to the data in the resolution shell 3.02–3.25 Å.

bRmerge = ∑hkli| Ii (hkl ) − 〈 I(hkl ) 〉|/∑hkliIi(hkl), where Ii (hkl) is the intensity of the ith observation of reflection hkl and 〈I(hkl)〉 is the mean intensity for reflection hkl from multiple measurements.

c The numbers in parentheses correspond to the data in the highest resolution shell (1.86–1.93 Å , 2.30–2.38 Å , and 2.80–2.90 Å for native crystal from A, Hg derivative, and Pt derivative, respectively). For native crystal form A, the data in the shell (1.86–1.93 Å ) were not used for refinement, and 〈I/σ(I) 〉 in the shell (1.93–2.01 Å ) is 1.8.

d Isomorphous difference ratios between the heavy-atom derivatives (Fph) and the native (Fp) were calculated at 3 Å resolution. ΔFiso = 〈|| Fph |−|Fp|| 〉/〈 (|Fph | + |Fp|)/2〉

e Anomalous difference ratios of the heavy-atom derivatives were calculated at 3 Å resolution. ΔFano= 〈||Fph(+)| − | Fph (−)||〉 /〈(|Fph (+) |(+) |Fph (−) |)/2〉.

fR factor= ∑||Fo| − |Fc ||/∑|Fo|.