Fig 1.
Specific association of NPBC expression with FAB subtypes of AML specimens. (A) In normal BM clots, PBC is expressed on the membranes of erythroid cells as well as endothelial cells. NPBC was not detected in normal BM clots. Most erythroid cells and endothelial cells showed cell membrane expression of PBC without expression in the nucleus or cytoplasm. NPBC was expressed in leukemia cells and was always restricted to the nucleus, especially in M6 and M7 specimens. Prominent staining of endothelial cells was seen in the vascular tissue in BM derived from an M2 patient with, though NPBC staining was negative in the same specimen. Original magnification ×40. (B) The graph presents data based on nuclear NPBC staining in paraffin sections from 54 patients with AML.