1H NMR spectra of type III GBS
polysaccharide (spectrum PS) and the oligosaccharides of fractions 3,
2, and 1 from Fig. 3 (spectra 3–1). The repeating unit contains five
residues, as shown by four anomeric signals between 4.4 and 4.8 ppm,
and a pair of sialic acid H-3 signals. Spectra 3 and 2 are nearly
identical to spectrum PS, indicating that they have the same basic
structure as the polymer. In spectra 3–1, the galactose H-4 resonances
were shifted to the right and the intensity of Glc H-2 resonances
decreased progressively, and the GlcNAc H-1 signal disappeared in
spectrum 1; these differences suggest that galactose, Glc, and GlcNAc
were affected by ozonolysis.