Figure 2.
Patterns and identities of plasmids isolated from E. coli and Agrobacterium transformants, respectively. Plasmid DNAs were separated on 0.6% agarose gel with ethidium bromide staining. AtCPSF160, AtCPSF100, AtCPSF30 and AtCPSF30AS are four genes used for the cloning work in this report. Lane 1: plasmid DNAs isolated from a pool of the LR reaction mixture-derived E. coli transformants. Lanes 2 and 3: plasmid DNAs isolated from each randomly selected single colony of the LR reaction mixture-derived E. coli transformants. Lanes 4 & 5: plasmid DNAs isolated from each randomly selected single colony of Agrobacterium transformants. N: plasmid identity of corresponding lane was Entry clone confirmed by DNA sequencing. E: plasmid identity of corresponding lane was Expression clone confirmed by DNA sequencing.