Figure 2.
Reduced median network. Shown is a reduced median network of domestic pig and wild boar mitochondrial DNAs (mtDNAs) belonging to haplogroup D1 based on the sequence variation of control region and coding region fragments. The mtDNA control region fragment covers the region from 1 to 670, and the coding region fragments cover regions 1860 to 2400, 3030 to 3800, 3940 to 4520, 4730 to 5340, 5530 to 6175, 6410 to 7920, 8045 to 11470, 12050 to 12675, 14121 to 14617, and 14730 to 16176 relative to the reference sequence EF545567. These samples are from the Mekong region, the upstream region of the Yangtze River (URYZ), the middle and downstream region of the Yangtze River (MDYZ), South China (SC), the upstream and middle region of the Yellow River (UMYR), the downstream region of the Yellow River (DRYR), North East Asia (NEA), Japan, Australia, New Zealand, and other places. Each haplotype is represented by a circle, with the area of the circle proportional to its frequency. The haplotype with an asterisk is the coalescent root type of D1. Samples from different regions were indicated by different colors. The length of each branch is proportional to the number of mutations on the respective branch.