Figure 1.
AtMIKC* complexes regulate a transcriptional switch during pollen maturation. (a) Of the genes downregulated in agl65/66/104 triple mutant pollen, 83.4% exhibit peak expression at the mature pollen grain (MPG) stage of wild-type (WT) pollen development (according to Honys and Twell [11]), whereas 56.7% of the genes upregulated in this mutant peak during the immature tricellular stage (tricellular pollen [TCP]). In total, 83.5% of the upregulated genes peak during the three immature stages (unicellular microspores [UNM], BCP, and TCP). (b) The AtMIKC* complexes contribute quite significantly to the transcriptional changes that occur during pollen maturation. (c) We ranked all genes that were consistently called present in WT pollen according to their expression level in mature WT pollen, in descending order (the highest expressed gene received number 1). In this graph the ranking numbers of all genes upregulated and downregulated in triple mutant pollen are plotted, revealing that AtMIKC* complexes predominantly activate high-abundance and medium-abundance transcripts, while repressing low-abundance and medium-abundance transcripts. All calculations related to these graphs are included in Additional data file 2.