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. 2007 Dec 28;74(5):1339–1349. doi: 10.1128/AEM.02126-07


Expression of phlA-gfp or prnA-gfp reporter fusions in P. fluorescens CHA0 in the rhizosphere of different plant speciesa

Reporter fusion Trial No. of gated events (108 per g of root)b No. of CFUc
Relative fluorescence
% of gfp-expressing cells Per g of root (107) Per gated eventd Per g of root (1010)e
phlA-gfp Wheat 7.9 ABe 14 AB 7.9 A 33.1 A 2.7 AB
Triticale 22.3 AB 7 A 11.6 AB 32.2 A 7.2 A
Barley 23.8 AB 6 A 14.8 AB 26.0 B 6.1 AB
Maize 4.7 AB 4 A 2.3 A 41.0 C 2.0 AB
Turnip 16.0 AB 18 AB 31.9 B 22.3 B 3.7 AB
Cress 26.9 A 10 A 16.3 AB 21.2 B 5.8 AB
Tomato 2.1 AB 28 B 6.2 A 28.9 AB 0.6 B
Cucumber 1.0 B 87 C 9.1 AB 28.0 AB 0.7 B
prnA-gfp Wheat 4.1 A 8 A 2.3 B 34.1 A 1.4 B
Triticale 2.7 A 15 A 3.7 AB 34.2 A 0.9 B
Barley 4.5 A 22 A 9.7 AB 30.6 AB 1.4 B
Maize 1.1 A 7 A 4.2 AB 48.3 C 0.7 B
Turnip 10.8 AB 22 A 12.1 A 36.6 A 3.8 AB
Cress 21.2 B 6 A 11.7 A 31.8 AB 6.4 A
Tomato 0.6 A 34 AB 2.6 B 17.8 D 0.1 B
Cucumber 0.8 A 63 B 4.4 AB 23.8 BD 2.7 AB

Plant seedlings were inoculated with CHA0/pME7100 carrying a phlA-gfp fusion or with CHA0/pME7116 carrying a prnA-gfp fusion and grown in growth pouches as described in Materials and Methods. Gene expression in root washes was measured after 10 days by FACS-based flow cytometry. Means of three replicates per treatment are given. The experiment has been repeated once with similar results (data not shown). Values in the same column for the same reporter fusion followed by different letters are significantly different according to Fisher's protected LSD (P ≤ 0.05).


Cells expressing reporter fusions.


The number of CFU corresponding to culturable cells was determined by serial plating on KMB agar containing tetracycline.


Relative fluorescence per gated event (cell) reflects the average phlA-gfp or prnA-gfp expression per active CHA0 cell.


Relative fluorescence per root weight reflects the total phlA-gfp or prnA-gfp expression per root weight.