Analysis of the VirB5-Tzs interaction by pulldown assays. Purified Tzs was incubated with affinity bead-bound StrepIIVirB5 and His6TrxAVirB5 fusion proteins or with affinity beads alone, followed by sedimentation of the beads, washing, elution, and analysis of the bead-bound material by SDS-PAGE and Western blotting with specific antisera. (A) Analysis of proteins bound to Ni-nitrilotriacetic acid Sepharose after elution with imidazole. (B) Analysis of proteins bound to StrepTactin magnetic beads after elution with biotin. Arrows indicate VirB5 fusion proteins, and arrowheads indicate Tzs eluted from the affinity matrices. Molecular masses of reference proteins are shown on the right. −, absence of; +, presence of.