FIG. 5.
Colocalization studies of RALP1 with rhoptry and microneme marker proteins. (A and B) RALP1-C-specific antibodies (green) colocalize with the rhoptry protein RAP1 (red) (A) and predominantly colocalize with CLAG9 (red) (B) in fixed schizonts (s) and free merozoites (m) using RAP1- and CLAG9-specific antibodies, respectively. (C and D) RALP1-C-specific antibodies (green) visualize a different compartment within the parasite than the microneme marker protein EBA-175 (red) (C) and EBA-181 (red) (D), as is evident in the merge of the two fluorescence photomicrographs. Nuclei were stained blue (DAPI).