Expression of autophagy marker proteins in HCV-infected hepatocytes. (A) Western blotting analysis for autophagic marker Apg5, using a specific antiserum from mock-infected and HCV genotype 1a-infected IHH from passages 1 and 4. Apg appeared as a high-molecular-mass protein complex (>200 kDa), shown by an arrow on the right. (B and D) Western blotting analysis was performed for Beclin 1, using mock-infected or HCV genotype 1a (clone H77)-infected IHH or HCV genotype 2a (clone JFH1)-infected Huh-7.5 cells at the indicated time. Beclin 1 appeared as ∼50 kDa and is shown by arrows on the right. The blots were reprobed with an antibody to actin to ascertain the level of protein load in each lane. The molecular masses of the protein bands were verified from the migration of protein molecular mass markers (Cambrex, Rockland, ME). (C and E) The relative levels of Beclin 1 were estimated by densitometric scanning after normalization against actin and are shown as bar diagrams with H77-infected IHH and JFH1-infected Huh-7.5 cells. Error bars represent standard errors from three independent experiments.