Figure 5.
SCOWLP web application screenshot and utilities. PTB domain used as an example of the utilities of the SCOWLP database for analysis of PBRs. [a] 3D viewer allows structural analysis of binding regions the PTB family. [b] The Manager Box allows selection of Si cut-offs, display of interacting properties and keyword search. [c] Multiple structure alignment of representative PBRs of the PTB domain is provided together with the highlighting of the interacting residues, including solvent-mediated interactions. From the PBR tree, each PBR can be selected to be displayed in the 3D viewer. The PBR tree can be expanded by clicking on its branches to display all interfaces belonging to a particular PBR. [d]. Visualization of the contacting domains. Secondary structure of the domain is displayed, and physico-chemical properties of the interacting residues can be highlighted with the help of the "manager box" (see text for more details about SCOWLP utilities for analysis of PBRs)