Figure 3.
Quantitative agreement between two different extraction methods: separate analyses of Gt 1 and non-Gt 1 samples. A: Quantitative correlation between CAP TNAI/CTM48 and M48/CTM48 for Gt 1 samples (n = 61). B: Difference in quantification between CAP TNAI/CTM48 and M48/CTM48 for Gt 1 samples. Mean, −0.04; SD, 0.16. C: Quantitative correlation between CAP TNAI/CTM48 and M48/CTM48 for Gt non-1 samples (Gt 2, n = 27; Gt 3, n = 16; Gt 4, n = 11). D: Difference in quantification between CAP TNAI/CTM48 and M48/CTM48 for non-Gt 1 samples. Mean, 0.03; SD, 0.27. Dashed line in A and C indicates theoretical trend line of complete agreement.