High-copy expression of HAL3 improves growth of cells overexpressing PPZ1. (A) Wild-type strain JA-100 was transformed with plasmid YEplac195 (27), carrying the URA3 marker (YEp), with the same plasmid bearing the PPZ1 gene (YEp-PPZ1), with plasmid YEp351 bearing the HAL3 gene (YEp-HAL3), or with both constructs, and plated in CM medium lacking uracil (to avoid loss of YEp-PPZ1). Growth was scored after 2 days. (B) The wild-type strain (JA-100) transformed with the indicated plasmids was grown in CM medium lacking uracil. The strains that did not received the YEp-PPZ1 plasmid also were transformed with plasmid YEplac195 to allow growth in selective media. Cultures were collected at optical density between 0.3 and 0.9 and the budding index was determined by microscopic examination of the samples. Data are expressed as percentage of unbudded cells (mean ± SEM from five to eight independent determinations).