A. Lane 1, DNA marker containing Hyperladder I (Bioline) with arrows indicating the positions of the 400 bp and 600 bp markers. Lane 2, second round of PCR performed with NGSP1 for 30 cycles. Lane 3, second round of PCR performed for 35 cycles. Both the bands were excised and sequenced. For both lanes 2 and 3 arrows with I and II indicate amplified bands.
B. Schematic of the two transcripts obtained from the two promoter regions and the arrangement of the exons and introns. Boxes with numbers represent exons and their sizes are mentioned. The nested primer (NGSP1) used for 5′RACE was from exon 6 at position +727. The two transcriptional and translational start sites with their respective positions relative to TSS1 (+1) are shown.