Figure 4.
(A) Mean (±SEM) numbers of Fos-immunoreactive cells in the mitral and granular cell layers of both the MOB and AOB. Female mice which were either treated with zinc sulfate to destroy the MOE (ZnSO4)or SAL were either exposed to male urine or water placed directly on the nose. *P < 0.05, significantly different between SAL females exposed to water and SAL and ZnSO4 females exposed to male urine. #P < 0.05, significantly different between SAL females exposed to urine and SAL females exposed to water or ZnSO4 females exposed to male urine. (B) Representative sagital sections showing Fos-immunoreactive cells in the mitral and granular cell layers of the MOB and AOB. Female mice in which the MOE was destroyed by intranasal application of ZnSO4 did not show a significant induction of c-fos in both cell layers of the MOB after exposure to male urine. By contrast, they showed a similar Fos induction in both cell layers of the AOB. Scale bar: 100 μm.