Tiller development in RFL knockdown plants. (A) Basal portion of a wild-type plant with tillers (red arrowheads). (B) RFL(AS) plant with few tillers. (C) Basal part of the tissue culture regenerated wild-type plant. (D) dsRNAiRFL plant with no side tillers. (E–G) Histochemical distribution of GUS activity in vegetative axillary meristems. Pink-orange fluorescence at sites of axillary/tiller bud initials shows reporter activity. Basal nodes (F and G, arrow) and internodes (E, arrow) of transgenics culms with RFL promoter::GUS fusions. (E and G Insets) Shoot apical meristem. (H–I) RFL mRNA localization in wild-type 23-day-old culms. (H and I) RNA expression at leaf axils (H, arrow) and in a young tiller bud (I, arrow). (J) Culm with a tiller bud probed with sense RNA. (Scale bars: E–H, 50 μm; I and J, 20 μm.) (K) Semiquantitative RT-PCR of RFL transcripts in 4-, 13-, and 23-day-old culms (Upper) and control UBQ5 transcripts (Lower).