Fig. 4.
Notch-modified Th1 cells lose their proinflammatory capacity and become suppressive in a DTH response. OVA-TCR transgenic Notch- or control-transduced Th1 cells were adoptively transferred into BALB/c mice. After 24 h, a DTH reaction was induced by footpad injection of OVA peptide (filled symbols). Feet of control mice were injected with PBS (open symbols). (A and B) Notch- or control-transduced Th1 cells were transferred either alone (A) or cotransferred with conventional Th1 cells (B). (C) Mice received an anti-IL-10 antibody or isotype control before cotransfer of Notch- or control-transduced Th1 cells with conventional Th1 effector cells (Th1eff). Statistical significance was estimated by two-tailed Mann–Whitney test (*, P < 0.05; **, P < 0.01). (Data are representative of two independent experiments, six animals per group.)