Fig. 6.
Notch ligands of the Dll family induce IL-10 production by Th1 cells. (A) Staining for Notch ligands on A20 B cells that had been lentivirally transduced with Notch ligands Dll-4, Dll-1, Jagged-1, or GFP alone as control. (B and C) Analysis of IL-10 and IFN-γ production after PMA/ionomycin restimulation of purified naïve OVA-TCR transgenic T cells after coculture with Notch ligand-expressing A20 B cells and stimulation with OVA peptide under Th1-polarizing conditions for 1 week (B) or 2 weeks (C). In some samples, GSI had been added (gated on CD4+ T cells). (Data are representative of three independent experiments.)