Proportion of adaptive signatures on each HAS branch, by tissue and cluster. The top three FACs are represented, with cluster one appearing as the outermost ring. Yellow, proportion of adaptive signatures occurring on the primate stem lineage; blue, proportion of adaptive signatures occurring on the ape stem lineage; magenta, proportion of adaptive signatures occurring on the human terminal lineage. (A) Fetal brain. (B) Adult whole brain. (C) Fetal liver. (D) Adult liver. (E) Fetal lung. (F) Adult lung. (G) Fetal thyroid. (H) Adult thyroid. (I) Placenta. (J) Adult uterus. Only among fetal tissues (A, C, E, G, I) and the adult uterus do 50% or more adaptive events occur on the human terminal in at least one of the top three FACs.