Figure 6.
Multiple VGCCs contribute to the inhibition of neurite growth by depolarization. Spiral ganglion cultures were maintained in the presence or absence of the VGCC antagonists verapamil (V), conotoxin (C), or agatoxin (A) either singly or in combination and neurite length was determined as above. A. Cumulative percent histograms of SGN neurite lengths from cultures maintained in NT-3, NT-3+30K, or NT-3+30K with VGCC antagonists. Each condition was repeated three times and is significantly different (p<0.05) from NT-3+30K by Kruskal-Wallis ANOVA on Ranks followed by a Dunn’s post-hoc comparison. n=cumulative number of SGNs scored for each condition. B. Representative images of spiral ganglion cultures maintained in NT-3+30K or NT-3+30K+V+A+C for 48 hr and labeled with anti-NF-200. C. Cumulative histograms of SGN neurite lengths from cultures maintained in NT-3, NT-3+80K, or NT-3+80K with VGCC antagonists. Each condition was repeated three times. NT-3+80K+V and NT-3+80K+V, A, and C are significantly different (p<0.05) from NT-3+80K by Kruskal-Wallis ANOVA on Ranks followed by a Dunn’s post-hoc comparison. D. Representative images of spiral ganglion cultures maintained in NT-3+80K or NT-3+80K+V, A, and C for 48 hr and labeled with anti-NF-200. Scale bar=100 μm for B and D.