Figure 3.
FOXO can directly induce expression of genes elevated in Tsc1 tissue. (A) Schematic representation of FREs in aay and scy promoters. (B) QPCR analysis of aay and scy mRNA in S2 cells transfected with wild-type FOXO (W) or FOXO GOF (A3) in the presence of insulin (n = 3). (C) Luciferase assay (n = 4) measuring transcriptional activity of the aay promoter in S2 cells expressing either vector alone (con) or FOXOA3 (FOXO). (D and E) Band shift assays examining the ability of increasing amounts of FOXO to complex with the aay promoter (D), scy promoter (E), or negative control DNA fragments. DNA markers are indicated in bp. Error bars in B and C represent standard deviation.