NSPC self-renewal in vitro is altered in FA mice. Growth, proliferation, and apoptosis were examined in neurosphere cultures from embryonic (A–C) and adult (D–F) NSPCs. (A) Population doublings of fanca−/− embryonic NSPCs were reduced in comparison with fanca+/+ controls. (B, E) Proliferating NSPCs were determined by flow cytometry after BrdU incorporation (30 min or 1 h for embryonic or adult NSPCs, respectively). (C, F) Analysis of cleaved-caspase-3 by flow cytometry revealed increased level of apoptosis in fanca−/− and fancg−/− embryonic and adult NSPCs in comparison with WT controls. (D) Population doublings of adult NSPCs were drastically reduced compared with WT controls. The number of mice is indicated within the bars. **P<0.01.