Figure 1.
MEKK3-GFP expression knocked down by Mekk3-siRNAs. (a–f) 293T cells were transfected with an empty vector (a) or with siRNA expression vectors against luciferase (Luci-siRNA) (b) or against Mekk3 (c, d) alone (a) or together with expression vectors for MEKK3-GFP (b–d) or MEKK2-GFP (e, f). Transfected cells were analysed 36 hr later by FACS. (g) Quantification of knock down of MEKK3-GFP and MEKK2-GFP expression by FACS. Data shown are the percentage of GFP-positive cells transfected with different siRNAs compared with GFP-positive cells that were transfected with an empty vector. One representative FACS plot is shown for each condition.