Figure 6.
The presence of mILFs in mice lacking PPs and MLNs correlates with enhanced IgA synthesis. Faecal IgA levels were determined by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay and are expressed as the mean optical density (OD) at 450 nm for triplicate samples from individual mice. The horizontal bar represents mean OD for each experimental group of mice (n = 4). (a) In contrast to WT mice, faecal IgA levels in both LTα–/– and LTβ–/– mice were extremely low, but increased significantly after reconstitution with WT bone marrow. (b) C57BL/Dk (control) mice and PP-deficient C57BL/Dk mice were found to have equivalent levels of faecal IgA. SCID mice (+) were used as negative controls. *Indicates significant difference from WT mice (P = 0·05).