A 37-residue insertion present only in eukaryotic (cytosolic, mitochondrial) and γ-proteobacterial ValRS. The KMSKS motif is boxed by a dashed line. The 37-residue sequences of the amitochondriate protists are shadowed. Numbers on the top of the alignment indicate sequence positions of H. sapiens ValRS. Abbreviations of the species: Hs, H. sapiens; At, A. thaliana; Tv, T. vaginalis; Gl, G. lamblia; Sc, S. cerevisiae; Nc, N. crassa; Ec, E. coli; Hi, Ha. influenzae; Hp, He. pylori; Ss, Synechococcus sp.; Tht, The. thermophilus; Ct, C. trachomatis; Bb, Bo. burgdorferi; Bs, B. subtilis; Mg, M. genitalium; Af, Ar. fulgidus; Mj, Me. jannaschii; Tet, Te. thermophila; Sa, St. aureus. Asterisks (★) denote amitochondriate eukaryotes. mit, Mitochondrion; cyt, cytosol; plasmid, gene carried on a plasmid.