Figure 1.
Stabilization of Kir2.1 channel activity by PIP2. Representative current traces elicited by the ramp pulses between −100 mV and +100 mV from a holding potential of 0 mV are shown. (A) After patch excision into Mg- and polyamine-free bath solution, inward rectification disappeared and current transiently increased before running down. Application of phosphatidylinositol-4,5-bisphosphate (PIP2, 10 μM) after rundown recovered channel activity. (B) Current–voltage (I-V) relationships obtained at times a–d in A. (C) Application of PIP2 (10 μM) immediately after patch excision prevented rundown. (D) MgATP (2 mM), but not K2ATP (2 mM), reactivated current after rundown. (E) After rundown, the PIP2 synthesis inhibitor wortmanin (WMN, 100 μM) prevented reactivation by MgATP (2 mM). The triangle to the right of each trace indicates zero current level. The upward arrow under each trace indicates the patch excision from cell-attached to inside-out configuration. Applications of reagents are indicated by the horizontal bars. The same markings are applicable to subsequent figures.