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. 2005 Nov;126(5):461–480. doi: 10.1085/jgp.200509364


Fiber Type and MHC Isoform Composition, as well as Titin Size(s), in 37 Rabbit Skeletal Muscles (Continued)

Muscle name %I fibers %IIA fibers %IIB/D fibers %I MHC %IIA/D MHC %IIB MHC Titin size (kD)
major band
(mean ± SEM)
Titin size (kD) minor band (mean ± SEM) References
Acromiotrapezius 6.1 93.9 0 11.3 88.7 0 3,620 ± 12
Adductor brevis 97.5 0 1.5 98.4 1 0.6 3,590 ± 21 3,480 ± 17 Hitomi et al., 2005
Adductor longus 7.7 90.3 2 0 38 62 3,420 ± 6 3,328 ± 11 Joosten et al., 1981
Adductor magnus 0 2.4 97.6 0 25.3 74.7 3,413 ± 9 3,307 ± 3 Joosten et al., 1981; Aigner et al., 1993; Hamalainen and Pette, 1993; Rab et al., 2000
Basioclavicularis 17.5 82.5 0 14.7 85.3 0 3,627 ± 18
Biceps brachii 12.2 0 87.8 6.3 84.2 9.5 3,465 ± 10 Fuentes et al., 1998
Biceps femoris 0 87.5 12.5 0 58.5 41.5 3,405 ± 9 Gondret et al., 1996
Cleidocephalicus 10.5 88.5 1 1 99 0 3,648 ± 19
Cleidodeltoideus 22.5 77.5 0 4.7 95.3 0 3,530 ± 15
Diaphragm 51 37 12 53.4 46.6 0 3,700 ± 9 Aigner et al., 1993; Jimenez-Fuentes et al., 1998; Le Souef et al., 1988; Capdevila et al., 2003
EDL 4.4 31.6 64 3 97 0 3,425 ± 10 Lobley et al., 1977; Aigner et al., 1993; Hamalainen and Pette, 1993; Lexell et al., 1994; Wang and Kernell, 2001
Flexor carpi radialis 22.5 70 7.5 14.7 85.3 0 3,630 ± 15
Flexor carpi ulnaris 15.1 84.9 0 15.5 84.5 0 3,640 ± 6
Flexor digitorum  profundus 14.1 85.9 0 12.3 87.7 0 3,660 ± 23
Gastrocnemius 14.8 15.2 70 14.3 85.7 0 3,435 ± 6 Aigner et al., 1993; Hamalainen and Pette, 1993; Wang and Kernell, 2001; Pagliassotti and Donovan, 1990
Gluteus maximus 4.5 88.5 7 0 6.7 93.3 3,405 ± 6
Gluteus medius 3.5 92.7 3.8 0 25.3 74.7 3,405 ± 6 3,310 ± 6 Joosten et al., 1981
Gracilis ND ND ND 0 99.5 0.5 3,403 ± 9 Rouanet and Bacou, 1993; Joosten et al., 1981; Pagliassotti and Donovan, 1990
Levator labii  superior 16 0 84 8 92 0 3,667 ± 18
Longissimus dorsi 5.1 4.9 90 5.5 94.5 0 3,570 ± 15 Vigneron et al., 1976; Lobley et al., 1977; Gondret et al., 1996; Lutz et al., 1978
Mentalis 24.5 75.5 0 14.3 85.7 0 3,650 ± 6
Mylohyoideus 31.7 34.3 34 19 81 0 3,583 ± 19
Pectineus 8.9 91.1 0 9.4 90.6 0 3,473 ± 20
Pectoralis descendens 33.6 29.1 37.3 24 76 0 3,655 ± 26 Frey et al., 1998
Pectoralis tenuis 22.1 87.9 0 39.5 60.5 0 3,605 ± 16
Pronator teres 11.5 77.5 11.5 7 93 0 3,540 ± 26
Psoas major 0 0 100 0 100 0 3,295 ± 6 3,416 ± 8 Lobley et al., 1977; Aigner et al., 1993; Hamalainen and Pette, 1993; Gondret et al., 1996; Tikunov et al., 2001
Rectus abdominis 19.5 64.5 16 20 80 0 3,400 ± 12
Sartorius 5 90 5 1.6 77.4 21 3,425 ± 3 Joosten et al., 1981
Serratus ventralis 11.5 88.5 0 25 75 0 3,622 ± 13
Soleus 91.8 0 8.2 94.5 5.5 0 3,596 ± 17 Lobley et al., 1977; Lutz et al., 1978; Pagliassotti and Donovan, 1990; Aigner et al., 1993; Lexell et al., 1994; Wang and Kernell, 2001; Tikunov et al., 2001
Sphincter colli  profundus ND ND ND 0 100 0 3,608 ± 19
Teres major 21.9 78.1 0 17.7 82.3 0 3,530 ± 12
Tibialis anterior 4.5 92.5 3 2.3 97.7 0 3,414 ± 12 3,308 ± 4 Lobley et al., 1977; Aigner et al., 1993; Hamalainen and Pette, 1993; Mabuchi et al., 1982; Wang and Kernell, 2001; Yamazaki et al., 2003
Transversus  abdominis 24.7 70.3 5 26.5 73.5 0 3,617 ± 9
Triceps brachii 7.7 92.3 0 2 88 10 3,470 ± 12 Fuentes et al., 1998
Zygomatico-  mandibularis 26.8 73.2 0 15.7 84.3 0 3,643 ± 15

Titin size is an average of three to five observations per muscle. A reference list for fiber/MHC composition in rabbit muscles is included (right column).