The overall time-course of mineral apposition rates in rapidly (A) and slowly (B) growing rats (distraction rates combined), and the overall effects of distraction rate on mineral apposition rate in rapidly (C) and slowly (D) growing rats (time-points combined). Solid and empty circles indicate the mean values of mineral apposition rates in distracted and undistracted sides of condyles, respectively, and vertical lines indicate one standard deviation for each mean value. F values and superscripted asterisks indicate the one-way ANOVA results for distracted (FD) and undistracted (FU) sides. Asterisks by the solid circles indicate significant differences between the distracted and undistracted sides at each time-point or distraction rate, by paired t tests. *p < 0.05, **p < 0.01, ***p < 0.001. ns: not significant. Bold/underlined and plain numbers indicate sample sizes in the distracted and undistracted sides, respectively. Note that in B, the mineral apposition rate of the distracted side at D6 was significantly higher than that of the undistracted side. In all other significant differences, the mineral apposition rate of the distracted side was lower than that of the undistracted side.