Figure 1.
Proteins expressed in this study. The entire N ECD structure is shown at bottom, for comparison to the expressed proteins arranged above. Rectangular blocks represent EGF repeats and shaded circles, predicted O-fucosylation. Delta contains two domains, NT and DSL, conserved amino-terminal to its 9 EGF repeats. EGF repeats 11–12 from Notch, constituting the Ligand-Binding domain, are checquered. All Notch EGF repeats are shaded, and EGF repeats 24–29, affected by Abruptex mutations, are shaded darkly. The Fc domain (striped) is carboxy-terminal in all cases. Similar proteins lacking the Fc domain were also expressed (not shown). The LIN-12/N repeats are represented by three rhomboids, disulfide bonds linking the two Notch chains by a vertical line, the ligand-sensitive S2 site by an arrow, and the trans-membrane domain by a solid bar.