Figure 4.
Late blight resistance evaluation of Rar1- and Sgt1-silenced lines. Resistance readings were taken 5, 7 and 10 days post inoculation (dpi). K41: untransformed control (RB+); Katahdin: susceptible control (RB-); PT29: a S. bulbocastanum clone as the resistant control (RB+); Non-silenced Rar1 line (RB+): a transgenic, but non-silenced Rar1-RNAi line (clone 3007); Rar1 RNAi line #1 (Rar1 silenced, RB+, clone 3128); Rar1 RNAi line #2 (Rar1 silenced, RB+, clone 2998); Sgt1 RNAi line (Sgt1 silenced, RB+, clone 3095); Non-silenced Sgt1 line (RB+): a non-silenced Sgt1-RNAi line (clone 3061). Error bars represent the standard deviation from the means.