Figure 3. Properties of the cGMP indicators cGi-500, -3000 and -6000.
cGMP (A) and cAMP (B) affinities of the indicators cGi-500 (●), -3000 (◆) and -6000 (▲) were determined in vitro from the change in CFP to YFP emission ratio. The ratio changes were normalized to the initial value determined in the absence of cGMP. (C) Dissociation of cGMP from cGi-500 was recorded after a 100-fold dilution to lower the cGMP concentration and was complete within the mixing time when cGMP was lowered from 2.5 to 0.025 μM (2.5→0.025 μM). As controls, the cGMP concentration was lowered from 250 to 2.5 μM (250→2.5 μM), leaving the indicator nearly saturated (compared with panel A), and a 100-fold dilution was performed in the absence of cGMP (0→0 μM).