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. 2008 Mar 26;3(3):e1897. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0001897

Table 5. Group by State interaction.

ROIs, Group by State interaction L/R Vol mm3 Talairach coord. x y z State effect F-value Group effect F-value State by Group Interact F-value Novices t-value (Med.>Rest) Experts t-value (Med.>Rest)
Angular gyrus (TPJ) R 1128 51 −59 35 15.7** X 18.5** X 4.6**
Supramarginal gyrus (TPJ) R 828 44 −52 27 19.1** X 19.8** X 4.8**
Inferior Parietal Lobule (post.) R 392 45 −58 35 12.8* X 12.46* X 3.9*
Sup. Temporal gyrus (ant.) R/L 2889 55 −12 0 22.5** X 18.6** X 5.0**
Sup. Temporal sulcus (post.) R/L 4917 45 −45 10 21.2** X 23.9** X 5.6**
precuneus 6582 −2 57 54 23.8** X 26.7** X 6.4**
Mid. Temporal gyrus (post.) R/L 3854 62 −38 5 17.1** 4.5 26.75** X 5.26**
Mid. Temporal gyrus (ant.) R/L 1933 55 −8 −16 12.6* X 24.9** X 5.3**
Post. cingulate gyrus L/R 1871 6 −48 35 32 ** X 24.6** X 6.2**
Medial frontal gyrus/paracentral lobule L/R 5317 −3 −24 67 6.4 X 19.5** X 4.1*
Post- and pre-central gyri L 7121 −32 −27 59/ 36 −16 49 6.2 X 20.3** X 4.2*
Cerebellum L/R 13528 −20 −69 −17 8.3 X 20.2** X 4.7**
Lentiform nuclei and Globus Pallidus L/R 526 −16 −9 −7 15.5** X 21.6** X 4.97**
Amygdala L/R 484 22 −6 −10 4.5 X 19.4** X 4.12*
Thalamus R 401 8 −24 10 7.1 X 16.4** X 6.3**
IFG R 1266 39 27 −13 8.3 X 16.5** X 4.5*

Clusters extracted from the ROIS showing State effect (p<0. 05 corrected, repeated ANOVA). Paired t-tests comparing responses during meditation and resting states were run within each group in each of these ROIs (p<0.05).


indicates p<0.005,


p<0.0005, X indicates non-significant.