Figure 5. Diminished P0S63del levels acutely reverse activation of the UPR.
Segments of wt or S63del-L sciatic nerves were snap-frozen either immediately after dissection (t = 0h, white bars) or after incubation ex vivo for 20 hours with (t = 20h TUN, black bars) or without (t = 20h, gray bars) tunicamycin, and analyzed for UPR markers. Levels of mRNA were measured by quantitative RT-PCR (A-B,D) and normalized to PGK1 mRNA. BiP and CHOP mRNAs are induced in S63del mice at t = 0h and remain induced with tunicamycin treatment for twenty hours after axotomy. Instead induction is rapidly reversed without tunicamycin, in parallel with marked reduction of the band containing P0S63del by Western analysis (C, arrowhead), due to the general reduction of P0 mRNA after axotomy (D). (S63del −/−) represents P0 −/− mice transgenic for MpzS63del. β-Tubulin (Tub) is a control for protein loading. Error bars, s.e.m., n = 3 animals.