A) Rotarod analysis of motor function showed that four month old S63del mice remain for 200 seconds less as compared to wt and Chop-null mice. Instead, S63del/Chop-null mice perform like wt mice. B) Semithin sections stained with toluidine blue are shown from P180 wt, S63del, Chop-null and S63del/Chop-null sciatic nerves. S63del nerves manifest hypomyelination and demyelinated fibers and onion bulbs. Although hypomyelination is not ameliorated in S63del/Chop-null nerves, the number of demyelinating fibers is significantly reduced (Table). Examples of pathological fibers from S63del or S63del/Chop-null nerves are shown magnified below. Arrows indicate demyelinated fibers, stars indicate onion bulbs; and arrowheads indicates remyelinating fibers. Bar = 15 μm in upper panels and 5 μm in the magnified panels below. C) S63del transgene expression was analyzed in rescued nerves by semi-quantitative RT-PCR. Digestion of the amplimer with Dpn II distinguishes wt (326 bp) from transgenic cDNA (244 and 82 bp fragments). D-H) BiP, CHOP and DOC1,6 and 4 expression was analyzed by quantitative RT-PCR and normalized to 18S rRNA. Note that transgene expression and BiP activation remain in S63del/Chop-null nerves, whereas CHOP is undetectable and DOC1 falls below wt levels. DOC6 and 4 are not induced in S63del-L nerves.