Representative phenotypes from the RNAi screen. Phenotype nomenclature and homologies are in Table 2. White arrowheads, defects. Anterior, left. v, ventral surface. Bar, 0.2 mm. (A) Control, unc-22 (a C. elegans gene) RNAi animal. Irradiation at 6000rad blocked regeneration (BLST(0), 8d) and caused curling (CRL, 15d). Black arrowhead, photoreceptor. P, pharynx. Brackets, blastema (unpigmented). (B) Reduced regeneration, curling, and caudal regeneration defects. (C) Pointed, wide, and indented blastemas. (D) Diffuse, faint, and asymmetric photoreceptors. (E) Regression of the anterior tip and between the photoreceptors. (F) Lesions and lysis. (G) Bloated and blistered. (H) Sticking and stretching and hourglass postures. (I) Spots and freckles. (J) Growth and bump.