Figure 2. The Dmef2-5x[C/D]*-GAL4 driver causes expression in subsets of FCMs and growing myotubes.
Dmef2-5x[C/D]*-GAL4 > UAS-lacZ (A) and rp298-lacZ; Dmef2-5x[C/D]*-GAL4 > UAS-2xeGFP (B-C) embryos were stained with antibodies against ßgal (green, A; blue, B-C), Kr (red, A), GFP (green, B-C) and Lmd (red, B-C). Panels A-A" show vental-lateral views of a stage 14 embryo and panels B-C show dorsal (B) and ventral (C) views of a late stage 14 embryo. (A) Kr is expressed in myotubes for the LT2 and LT4 muscles (white and blue arrowheads). ßgal is expressed in only one of the Kr-expressing nuclei in each myotube (blue arrowheads) and in surrounding Kr-negative cells (yellow arrowheads). (B) GFP is detected in a subset of Lmd-positive FCMs (white arrowheads). Not all FCMs express GFP (blue arrowheads). (C) GFP is detected in rp298-lacZ expressing myotubes (orange arrows) and surrounding FCMs (white arrowheads). Lmd expression is lost from FCMs after fusion.