Figure 1. PhysioNoise Fills Physiological Signal Processing Gap.
PhysioNoise processes physiological noise signals for existing software (AFNI) used in retrospective fMRI physiological noise correction and connectivity analyses. The inputs to PhysioNoise are represented by the blue arrow and the outputs from PhysioNoise are identified with the red arrows. (RW = Downsampled respiratory spline waveform; CPttl = Cardiac peak based on the TTL pulse from the scanner; CPd3 = Cardiac peak based on trough of the third derivative; CPd3R = Cardiac peak R-wave estimate based on small peak of third derivative preceding the CPd3; RVT = Respiratory volume over time based on peakdet peaks; RRT = Respiratory rate over time; CVT = Cardiac volume over time based on peakdet peaks; CRTttl = Cardiac rate over time based on the TTL pulse from the scanner; CRTd3 = Cardiac rate over time based on CPd3; CRTd3R = Cardiac rate over time based on CPd3R).